"Я, вообще-то, надеюсь увидеть однажды мир без всякой религии. Это - то, что принесло бы человечеству больше всего пользы"
"Я, вообще-то, надеюсь увидеть однажды мир без всякой религии. Это - то, что принесло бы человечеству больше всего пользы"
(Balder) Nightmares
Demons haunt my taunted mind
I'm scared
My death's forseen ungloryful
Plase Father
Make my demons disappear
Please Mother
Death is everywhere
(Odin) My son I've seen your fear
I have felt your pain
No harm will come to you
An oath has been sworn
(Balder) The evil forces around us
Still wants to destroy me
Who is the evil slayer
I cannot see
Loke the deceitful God
Discover the arrow of death
Pointed for the Hoder the blind
by the jealous Loke
The arrow cut through the skin
And into the heart of the bright one
Silence spread throughout the hall Aesir
As the God of Light fe to his knees dying!
Sorrow throughout the nine worlds
The bright God is gone
Sent to Nifelheim by the deceitful...
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