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Ближайшие концерты
Клуб Вольта, Москва, РФ
Дворец культуры, Россельмаш, Ростов-на-Дону, РФ
Цитата группы

"Мы не любим, когда нас воспринимают слишком уж серьёзно. Хотя, если бы то, что мы делаем, было только шуткой, это не имело бы смысла"

Йохан Хегг

Beheading Of A King

A mighty fleet came across the strait

But Erik was prepared

Five hundred Germans had come to his aid

On horseback with their spears

The fleet was carrying two thousand men

Eager to drain blood

But as they were about to land

Erik released his hoards

One thousand men and five hundred horsemen

Came charging down the beach

When the sea-king saw this force

He gave order to retreat

All obeyed except one ship

It held the king's own son

He despised the thought of flight

And attacked on his own

The Danish fleet had to turn around

They charged King Erik's men

But it was too late to save his son

His life was already spent

The fighting continued bloody and fierce

And the bloodshed was immense

Two thousand warriors died that day

Most of them were Danes

The Danish king was captured

Most of his guards were dead

For ransom he was released

Then his people took his head

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