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Клуб Вольта, Москва, РФ
Дворец культуры, Россельмаш, Ростов-на-Дону, РФ
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"Лично я всегда стараюсь наслаждаться своим выступлением, мне нравится также общаться с фэнами"

Йохан Хегг
Купить ввг кабель мос-кабель.рф.

Gods Of War Arise

Darkness flees the rising sun

The village lies ahead

It will wake to a new day soon

Soon they'll all be dead

We came in cover of moonless night

Fifty men at arms

Now at first morning light

The church bell sounds the alarm

Sacrifice to Gods of old

Bleed them of their lives

Fresh blood on our swords

Gods of war arise

Sacrifice to Gods of old

Bleed them of their lives

Fresh blood on our swords

Gods of war arise

Hear the tortured screams

Shattering the air

They awake from soothing dreams

Into their worst nightmare

Fire sweeps their homes

They feel the dragon's breath

Consuming and destructive flames

Agonising death

Some seek shelter in the church

A refuge for those with faith

But we know how to smoke them out

A pyre will be raised

But those who choose to stand and fight

Will die with dignity

For the unfortunate few who survive

Waits a life in slavery

The day draws to an end

The night comes dark and cold

We return to our ships

With silver, slaves and gold

We gave them agony

As they fell and die

The Gods have granted victory

For our sacrifice

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