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Клуб Вольта, Москва, РФ
Дворец культуры, Россельмаш, Ростов-на-Дону, РФ
Цитата группы

"Сколько себя помню – я был фэном металла, я вырос, слушая такие именитые команды как Ac/Dc, Kiss, Motörhead, Metallica, Slayer, Black Sabbath… классику, в общем, но до 19 лет я не задумывался всерьёз о музыкальной карьере"

Йохан Хегг
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Cry Of The Black Birds

Raise your swords up high

See the black birds fly

Let them hear your rage

Show no fear


Charge your horses across the fields

Together we ride into destiny

Have no fear of death when it's your time

Oden will bring us home when we die

The ground trembles under us as we make our thunder charge

The pounding hooves strikes blinding fear into their hearts

Our helmets shine in the sun as we near their wall of shields

Some of them turn and run when they hear our frenzied screams

Draw your swords to strike

Hear the black birds cry

Let them feel your hate

Show no fear

Charge your horses across the fields

Together we ride into destiny

Have no fear of death when it's your time

Oden will bring us home when we die

The enemies are in disarray ride them down as they run

Send them to their violent graves, don't spare anyone

Dead and wounded lie all around see the pain in their eyes

Over the field an eerie sound, as we hear the raven's cry

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