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Клуб Вольта, Москва, РФ
Дворец культуры, Россельмаш, Ростов-на-Дону, РФ
Цитата группы

"Я бы сказал, что с годами наша музыка стала отражать то влияние, что оказывалось на нас, теперь наше творчество – скорее металл, более «прямой» и тяжёлый, но у нас до сих пор есть гроул…"

Фредерик Андерссон
Удаление катаракты в рязани niar-vision.ru. Сумка рюкзак для переноски животных оптом continentzoo.ru.

Twilight Of The Thunder God

There comes Fenris' Twin

his jaws are open wide

The serpent rises from the waves

Jormundgandr twists and turns

mighty in his wrath

the eyes are full of primal hate

Thor! Oden's Son

Protector of Mankind

Ride to meet your fate

Thor! HlöSon

Protector of Mankind

Ride to meet your fate

Ragnaök awaits

Vingtor Rides to face

the snake with hammer high

at the edge of the world

Bolts of lightning fills the air

as Mjölner does its work

the dreadful serpent roars in pain

Thor! Oden's Son

Protector of Mankind

Ride to meet your fate

Thor! HlöSon

Protector of Mankind

Ride to meet your fate

Ragnaök awaits

Mighty Thor grips the snake

firmly by its tongue

Lifts his hammer high to strike

soon his work is done

Vingtor sends the giant snake

Bleeding to the depth

Twilight of the Thundergod

Ragnarцk awaits

Twilight of the Thundergod

Twilight of the Thundergod

Twilight of the Thundergod

Thor! Oden's Son

Protector of Mankind

Ride to meet your fate

Thor! HlöSon

Protector of Mankind

Ride to meet your fate

Ragnaök awaits

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