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Ближайшие концерты
Клуб Вольта, Москва, РФ
Дворец культуры, Россельмаш, Ростов-на-Дону, РФ
Цитата группы

"Обычно, когда к кому-то приходит крутая идея или новый рифф, все остальные «подхватывают» новинку, начиная делать свой собственный вклад"

Фредерик Андерссон

No Fear For The Setting Sun

I'm out of breath,

And all my muscles ache

It feels like spikes

With every step I take

My heart beats

It's about to burst

This day my

Luck turned to the worse

There's nowhere to run

Darkness is closing in

I don't fear the setting sun

Or the twilight that it brings

Dark clouds fill the sky

My fate is close at hand

Today is the day that I die

Today I make my fnal stand

I fought so hard

For taste of victory

The war is lost

But I refuse to kneel

I can't go back now

There is no retreat

I will fight hard for

All that I believe

I'm out of breath,

And all my muscles ache

It feels like spikes

With every step I take

I can't go back now

There is no retreat

I will fight

?til death

I make my final charge


make my final charge


have no fear in heart


will no longer run


do not fear the dark

There's nowhere to run

Darkness is closing in

I don't fear the setting sun

Or the twilight that it brings

Dark clouds fill the sky

My fate is close at hand

Today is the day that I die

Today I make my fnal stand

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